He got his own hashtag, we are all more famous in death than in life I guess.
Anyway, now that it has sunk in a little and I re-read what I wrote yesterday, I have some brief thoughts to add.
First of all I hope it was clear that I feel no sadness or remorse at this man's death, simply not jubilant happiness. The sense of relief that I mentioned, however, has since increased. I think in my immediate reaction I was somewhat dumbstruck and didn't know what to think.
I am still unimpressed by images of people rejoicing, but I in no way equate their actions to those who rejoiced at the attack on the twin towers in 2001.
And that is all. Compliments to the US Intelligence forces, compliments to the Navy Seals, and compliments to all those who have risked and in too many cases given their lives in combat throughout these 10 years.
I am entirely OK with Osama being brought to rough justice. I am not OK at all with those who would celebrate his death in public pageantry.