Tuesday 26 June 2012

This was supposed to be my wedding dress

See below. When I first realised I would need a wedding dress I was slightly confused - I don't like white or overly formal, traditional dresses and this could be a problem. Then I saw a picture of a dress that was essentially a white and floor-length version of the one you see below, and I thought "Perfect!" In fact I may have said it out loud.

The wisdom of mothers prevailed however: when I sent the picture to my mother she replied "Daughter dearest (I take artistic license with the "dearest" part): the bain of all mothers is convincing their daughters that they too once had waists the size of an anchovy, and as you will keep your wedding photos forever, pick a dress that proves it." So I did.

(This was the result, and I am happy to keep the baggy-baby-like dresses for regular cocktail wear).
(Although, let's face it: if I did it all again I would probably wear this).

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