Friday 17 August 2012

Men are useless?

You know those women who sit around and talk about how men are just "no help" and completely clueless about anything useful and you have to train them and men this and men that? I've always found that, well, quite sexist. Coupled with women who assume men are somehow incapable or less capable of taking care of their own children. I don't have children, but if I did and anybody implied my husband was any less capable than I, there would be a reckoning.

In fact I have always seen this as the whining of women who have chosen not to aspire to much in life because settling is easier, and by painting a picture of their own perfection against their partner's faults they are trying to cover up their own feelings of inadequacy. I doubt I will ever be able to believe men are biologically set to be less able around children, household objects or every day chores than women.

Anyway, turns out I have been defending some men who also decided that settling for ignorance is an easier way to mask their own inadequacies

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