Friday 18 October 2013

What Freedom Is

"we too can walk into an iced cream shop and choose what flavor we want just like we could in America, and this is not freedom....Yes, many of us can go to school, can work, can earn and spend our own money. But what we study or work at, and how and why and when and where and with whom and wearing what–all of this is controlled. "

And also

I can smile because I had a good day at work without being forced to explain why I am so happy.
I can cry at my empty, robotic life without being forced to explain why I am unhappy.
I can have facial expressions. Facial expressions.
I can have facial expressions.
I can have facial expressions.
Read the whole post here.

I would add that despite the title, this piece is not about religion. This piece is about freedom pure and simple.

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